JL Dallas—Kids in the Kitchen

The Junior League of Dallas has made the Kids in the Kitchen program its own, by developing an eight-week curriculum of materials geared specifically toward fighting childhood obesity in at-risk, low-income Dallas neighborhoods.
The eight-week course teaches children how to prepare easy, nutritious meals, work safely in the kitchen, and incorporate exercise into their daily lives.
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Bridging the G.A.P. (Guide-Advocate-Provide)

Foster teens often lack the support and resources that young adults need to live independently.
To fill this important need in the community, the Junior League of Cedar Rapids has developed the program Bridging the G.A.P. (Guide. Advocate. Provide.) JLCR fills suitcases with items necessary to live independently such as bedding, pots and pans, and cleaning supplies.
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JL Long Beach—Kids in the Kitchen

10 years of demonstrating to kids and their families the importance of proper nutrition and exercise.
JLLB’s Kids in the Kitchen (KITK) program includes a popular and widely respected healthy eating and exercise fair, as well as an after-school food and nutrition program. Over time, this program has evolved to include community partners who address health and food access issues that present additional barriers to a healthy lifestyle for low-income families in Long Beach.
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