Ninos CocinandoThe Junior League of Mexico City Talks to Kids and Parents about Childhood Obesity

The Junior League of Mexico City (JLMC) is one of more than 200 Leagues that have embraced the Junior Leagues’ Kids in the Kitchen program since it was launched in 2006. But JLMC has been particularly successful in involving parents in nutritional education for their children.

Community partners

  • Schools, pediatricians, children’s hospitals
  • The Disney Channel

How it works
JLMC has expanded its participation in KITK by developing innovative initiatives designed to educate parents about childhood obesity—what causes it, and what they can do about it. In partnership with schools, pediatricians and children’s hospitals, JLMC involves parents directly while parents involve their kids in shopping and cooking for their families. In working with their children to monitor and lower high body mass index, or BMI, some parents even had their own BMI recorded to further involve them in the program.

In addition to the impressive program performance, JLMC partnered with the Disney Channel in Mexico to bring the lessons home to a wider audience on the kid-oriented program Zapping Zone.

What’s the impact?
Since 2006, more than 2,500 students have participated in JLMC’s nutrition workshops, and some 80,000 copies of the Junior Leagues’ Kids in the Kitchen cookbook have been distributed to schools, children’s hospitals and pediatricians in Mexico City.